To the lonely sea and the sky ...
Ovation of the Seas departing
Strait Feronia and the dear old Sea Lion
Wellington pilot vessel Te Haa
Splash of red in Evans Bay
My favourite little dory at Hikoikoi Reserve
ANL Elaroo being overtaken by Aratere
Unfinished projects at Hikoikoi reserve
Little yachts overshadowed by big sister
Spirit of New Zealand
Sea Lion
Spirit of New Zealand
Fisheries Research vessel Tangaroa home for Christmas
A busy moment in the port
Early morning arrival Aratere
Tiaki on the way to Pt Howard
Kate - a lovely simple work boat
Purest serendipity - sunrise at Anakiwa
I have always loved ships and the sea. Mostly, I catch the ships while they are in or near the port of Wellington. My strong preference is for either flat calm with nice reflections, orĀ  else serious waves

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